Customer Testimonials

Customers Testimonials

"We sent a flexible scope to the manufacturer for a repair quotation and they wanted over $13,000 to do the work. Sierra Surgical did the repair with OEM parts for less than $2,500"
Philip Schomer
University Hospital
"Our facility had a full load of orthopedic cases scheduled and we were down two hand pieces. Wes from Sierra Surgical came in within the hour and picked up the damaged drills and had them repaired and returned to us the same day."
David France R.N.
Memorial Medical Center
"Dr. Cannon, our Chief of Staff wanted a modification of a retractor for abdominal surgery. The manufacturer refused to make the change. So we called Sierra Surgical to ask for their assistance. They met with the Doctor and make the alterations to the instrument to the specifications of the Surgeon."
Martha Greenwald R.N. Director,
Lakewood Medical Center
"I received the Stryker sumex drill. Looks really good, thanks again for getting it out to me so quickly!"
Owner of XS Remarketing
"Excellent optics, impeccable. Thank you!"
eBay Member
"Amazing! Item better than described. Had item in 36 hrs. From time auction ended"
eBay Member
"Excellent service recommended !!A+++ "
eBay Member
"Good cooperation, fast delivery.Thank you!"
eBay Member
"Great care on the packages & fast to ship.Great E-bay seller.THANK YOU.. AAA+++ "
eBay Member
"Great deal, Great seller!!!! Hope to deal with you again! Great value for money!"
eBay Member
"As described. Fast ship. Thank you. 5 Stars"
eBay Member